Low VPS dacentec - закрываются
В 2015 году они заявили о себе, как очередной лоукост.
В 2016 году новостей от них не было.
Но очень много мусора заказывало VPS OVH с их айпишников. (я кстати базу веду чернухи, в будущем сделаю свой спамхаус, ня!)
И вот результат. Деградация услуги, все как и в моих статьях :))

In order to continue enhancing our service portfolio and offering competitive products, we have decided to permanently discontinue our VPS service. The service shutdown will take place at 12:01 PM (EST) on December 31, 2016, and all affected users are recommended to retrieve their data prior to this date. If you wish to continue to use Dacentec as your service provider, we recommend that you view our Dedicated Server inventory for an alternate solution. We will be offering a 50% discount on your first month of service if you choose to migrate to a dedicated server. Please email sales@dacentec.com directly in order to redeem your 50% off discount.
Dacentec is committed to customer service and satisfaction, and we will be issuing refunds to all VPS users currently on our annual billing plan – a member of our team will be reaching out to affected users with more details in the coming days.
We also have many new products and service improvements on the horizon, and we look forward to launching these new initiatives and communicating them with all customers in the upcoming months.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding. If you have any questions or feedback about your services, please contact us by replying back to this email.
В 2016 году новостей от них не было.
Но очень много мусора заказывало VPS OVH с их айпишников. (я кстати базу веду чернухи, в будущем сделаю свой спамхаус, ня!)
И вот результат. Деградация услуги, все как и в моих статьях :))

In order to continue enhancing our service portfolio and offering competitive products, we have decided to permanently discontinue our VPS service. The service shutdown will take place at 12:01 PM (EST) on December 31, 2016, and all affected users are recommended to retrieve their data prior to this date. If you wish to continue to use Dacentec as your service provider, we recommend that you view our Dedicated Server inventory for an alternate solution. We will be offering a 50% discount on your first month of service if you choose to migrate to a dedicated server. Please email sales@dacentec.com directly in order to redeem your 50% off discount.
Dacentec is committed to customer service and satisfaction, and we will be issuing refunds to all VPS users currently on our annual billing plan – a member of our team will be reaching out to affected users with more details in the coming days.
We also have many new products and service improvements on the horizon, and we look forward to launching these new initiatives and communicating them with all customers in the upcoming months.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding. If you have any questions or feedback about your services, please contact us by replying back to this email.
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