CloudFlare уже 37th data center
Bucharest, Romania: CloudFlare's 37th data center
In Romania alone we are connected to nearly every single Tier 1 Internet provider with a network in-country (TeliaSonera, Cogent, GTT/Tinet, NTT, and Telecom Italia). And we are further connected (or nearly connected!) to nearly all local peering exchanges, including Interlan, NetIX, RoNIX and BalcanIX. Direct connections are also in progress with many of the largest local ISPs.
Bucharest, Romania: CloudFlare's 37th data center
In Romania alone we are connected to nearly every single Tier 1 Internet provider with a network in-country (TeliaSonera, Cogent, GTT/Tinet, NTT, and Telecom Italia). And we are further connected (or nearly connected!) to nearly all local peering exchanges, including Interlan, NetIX, RoNIX and BalcanIX. Direct connections are also in progress with many of the largest local ISPs.

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