OVH купила VMware vCloud Air

OVH is one of the largest cloud service providers in the world with more than one million customers and 260,000 servers deployed. A long-time VMware vCloud® Air Network™ partner with more than 200,000 VMs from thousands of customers running VMware vSphere® Private Cloud, OVH was recognized as «Service Provider of the Year» by VMware 2011-2014 and in 2016. Both companies collaborated to bring Software-defined Data Center (SDDC) as a Service to market in 2016. vCloud Air customers will benefit from greater choice as they select from OVH's global data centers across four continents and experience faster performance and workload mobility through the company's thousands of miles of dark fiber and 32 points of presence worldwide.
«Through our strategic relationship with VMware, which includes joint R&D and best-in-class delivery of solutions, OVH leads the private cloud market in Europe,» said Octave Klaba, chairman and CEO, OVH. «With this acquisition, OVH will offer a very unique value proposition for larger enterprise deployments, including rich capabilities for migration and advanced hybrid functionalities for virtual data centers. This will benefit all our clients across the globe.»
Помните я как-то рассуждал на тему, что OVH не умеет работать с бизнесом и крупными закупками. Хотя новые дата-центры распиливаются и якобы уже там контракты какие-то. Еще удивлялся откуда эти контракты берутся, ведь явно не через сайт заказываются.
Вот похоже «частные приватные облака» — именно туда они садят бизнес. А не на дедики. Хм.

OVH is one of the largest cloud service providers in the world with more than one million customers and 260,000 servers deployed. A long-time VMware vCloud® Air Network™ partner with more than 200,000 VMs from thousands of customers running VMware vSphere® Private Cloud, OVH was recognized as «Service Provider of the Year» by VMware 2011-2014 and in 2016. Both companies collaborated to bring Software-defined Data Center (SDDC) as a Service to market in 2016. vCloud Air customers will benefit from greater choice as they select from OVH's global data centers across four continents and experience faster performance and workload mobility through the company's thousands of miles of dark fiber and 32 points of presence worldwide.
«Through our strategic relationship with VMware, which includes joint R&D and best-in-class delivery of solutions, OVH leads the private cloud market in Europe,» said Octave Klaba, chairman and CEO, OVH. «With this acquisition, OVH will offer a very unique value proposition for larger enterprise deployments, including rich capabilities for migration and advanced hybrid functionalities for virtual data centers. This will benefit all our clients across the globe.»
Помните я как-то рассуждал на тему, что OVH не умеет работать с бизнесом и крупными закупками. Хотя новые дата-центры распиливаются и якобы уже там контракты какие-то. Еще удивлялся откуда эти контракты берутся, ведь явно не через сайт заказываются.
Вот похоже «частные приватные облака» — именно туда они садят бизнес. А не на дедики. Хм.
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